
Welcome to my blog! This is mainly the story of my son, Brayton Cade Moak. His life is a testimony to me, and many others. I hope this blog encourages those of you who are going through difficult times, who have sick kids, who are lacking faith, and who need a reason to believe in miracles. I never thought that I would see a miracle, much less give birth to one. My son, my precious angel, is my miracle. His story, as well as his father's and my story, will hopefully fill your spirit with love! God is good!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Brayton's First Birthday

It is been a year since I gave birth to my sweet Brayton! As I sit and take time to reflect on everything that has happened, I find it hard to believe that we have gone through so much in such a short time!

God has truly blessed me and my family in so many ways! Life has become a precious thing to me. So has poop, baby sounds (ANY sound), first steps, and so many other small things that people take for granted. If things had been different and Brayton had never gotten sick, I think I would be like other parents wishing my kid would just shut up or complaining because he is running all over the place and breaking things. But because of what all has happend and knowing that Brayton was gone for a few seconds before he was revived, I try not to take a single thing for granted. I wish I knew what his voice was like...his cry...his laugh...I thought he was going to be behind on walking because he was in the hospital for 2 months, but at 10 months, he took his first steps and is now EVERYWHERE which I am loving! His smile never stops and each smile reminds me of how lucky I am to have him in my life!

Brayton is my HERO! I never thought a hero could come in baby form. I always thought it had to be someone older that you look up to, but my little son is every definition of a hero!

We have been through a lot and still have a long way to go! Brayton is 19lbs 4.5oz which means he is 3lbs away from surgery! :) Fear and Excitement come from this news! Fear of surgery and excitement of being trach-free! My little miracle has to keep on fighting! And I am certain that he will fight the whole way with.... a SMILE!!